With its picturesque forests and awe-inspiring lakes, Wisconsin’s Northwoods offers ample locales for unique meeting options that will leave an indelible impression on attendees.
Convention and visitors bureaus work hard to help event planners.
As 2024 draws to a close, there is strong sentiment from the global business travel industry that the year outperformed expectations, paving the way for increased budgets, strategic investments and growth initiatives for 2025. This is according to a new research poll by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) where 86% of global business travel buyers and […]
Top-notch events begin and end with, and meeting participants demand, a quality platform.
One of the best things about summer is enjoying a baseball game – why not host your next meeting while cheering on the Milwaukee Brewers at American Family Field? Check out these unique spaces perfect for team bonding experiences.
Waukesha and Pewaukee are welcoming communities where cities meet and you should, too!
Looking to advertise with the #1 resource for meeting planners in Wisconsin? Get in touch with our team for packages that return results!
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