Experience what Waukesha and Pewaukee Have to Offer
Meet more than you’d expect in Waukesha Pewaukee. We are conveniently located directly off I-94, in the heart of southeastern Wisconsin’s Lake Country. Find more than 100,000 square feet of affordable meeting space and accommodating staff to assist you in your planning. Along with ample complimentary parking, 1,100 guestrooms and 25+ fun options for post-meeting activities (and a short drive to many more), count on us to help your meetings meet success.
During these uncertain times, we are committed to working with you to find the best options for your meeting needs. Learn about these creative Waukesha Pewaukee group promotions, allowing you to select from complimentary meeting room rentals, themed break selections, AV packages and room night incentives for future meetings.
When you are ready to meet again, we will be here to assist you in planning safely and responsibly.
Deana Heinisch, Group Sales Manager
Waukesha Pewaukee Convention & Visitor Bureau
For more information about our meeting destination and promotions visit visitwaukesha.org/meetmore.