You Still Have a Chance to Participate in an Important Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative
You can help determine what the path toward diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) will look like in the meetings and events industry. If you didn’t have a chance to take the survey when we first announced the news that the Events Industry Council (EIC) was undertaking a landmark Equity Acceleration Plan challenge in September, you can still let your voice be heard.
The global voice of the business events industry on advocacy, research, professional recognition and standards, the EIC has extended the date for responses to its DEI study. The study is the crucial first step of the plan, and will help the EIC understand the current state of DEI within the workplace across the events industry and establish a benchmark to measure future progress.
The results of this benchmark will inform the development of tools, resources and recommendations in the subsequent phases on the Equity Acceleration Plan, which aims to provide a framework to turn the association’s vision into action, and lead the challenge against discrimination and systemic racism in the events industry.
The survey will give respondents the opportunity to share some of their personal experiences and opinions on what is needed to improve the sector. The gathering of these insights globally is the critical first phase of EIC’s Equity Acceleration Plan.
The findings will be used as the basis for a report, and a series of specially created educational courses, tools and resources to support the industry in its shared goal of a more diverse and inclusive future. The Equity Acceleration Plan is part of EIC’s Centre for Sustainability & Social Impact, and is a long-term project that will regularly measure the impact of interventions and make recommendations for further work.
If you are serious about DEI in your organization and the global events industry, please contribute to this EIC study. It only takes 10 minutes, but could help support a movement. Click here to participate.